Monday, December 8, 2008


crossfit warmup x 3

3 rounds for time
400m sprint
21 KB swings 25#
12 pullups


I did not have stopwatch. Forgot it.

Leg Extension warmup/8/6 70 110 130
Ham Curl warmup/8/6 90 130 150
Leg Press warmup/8/6 150 210 250

Saturday, December 6, 2008


crossfit warmup x 3
30 sec samson stretch
12 squats
12 situps
12 back extensions
12 pullups
10 dips (still have slight rotator cuff strain)

Deadlift 3x3x3x3x3



Before crossfit, I never used to deadlift. That's because I had no idea what I was doing in the gym. I was ignorant to the art of "fitness" and it showed. I look around the gym and I see people just like how I was. I see the same guys just doing chest/tri's, back/bi's, and shoulders/legs on their set schedules making little to no progress.

My new motto is, it's all about the core.

Crossfit is gaining steam though. I have several people a week come up to me and either say, "you work hard as shit", or "are you doing that crossfit stuff"?

I recently started mixing in some regular bodybuilding with my crossfit exercises. I'll do the WOD as posted on (a couple days later) and then I'll throw in a few exercises to make sure I'm not neglecting the "sexy" muscles.

All in all, I'm happy with my progress but I can work so much harder it's not even funny. I need a partner or a crossfit gym.

Closest LOCATION is crossfit philly. I'm waiting on Evofit South Jersey to get a facility. I'm pretty sure I can't hold a candle to those guys.


What is this blog?

This is my own personal crossfit blog. Well actually it's my online log book. It's not meant for the outside world, but if it interests you, be my guest and comment where applicable. I've been doing crossfit at about 75% since June. I haven't yet fully adopted the principles, although I am very close. It's hard to be a 100%er while working out at a big box gym. I can't go to my max with weight because I lack the ability to work out with bumper plates.


