Saturday, February 14, 2009

Finally decided to add a post...

So last Thursday I joined the Tribe, and I couldn't be any happier. I friggin' love that place. No more being a pussy. I'm on my way.

So far I've done Jackie, Cindy, learned how to snatch, done a PR deadlift (x2), set an awesome time on the 25's, and have some legit competition to make me better.

I've always wanted to become a crossfit trainer, and I think this is making me more passionate. Although, I might want to do crossfit kids. It might be the wife being pregnant that is making me lean that way. Yep, she's pregnant (5 weeks away from telling the world, or did I just do that?).

I couldn't ask for better role models and trainers in Steve and Erin. They set a great example and can't wait to continue learning.

My diet is getting there!

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